Sorry if you follow this account and I've been inactive for about a year but a lot has happened in that time
I reached age 21, I made it to my junior year of college and I've been honing my skills in art and animation, I guess I haven't been posting said art and animation for 2 reasons
- I have a hard time archiving my stuff to other sites and I often forget to post here
- I've been very busy with college and its eaten up a significant portion of my time
I guess a third reason would be that sometimes I feel that maybe my work isn't good enough to be posted here and more often than not the need to make something I feel is of enough quality to post on this website overwhelms me because of my terrible work ethic and the fact that I haven't made any animations I feel is worthy of posting here yet (tbh maybe I'll post some new art here, there's some things I'm proud of). maybe someday I will post here more often and even make something that leaves an impact, lets just hope for the best for me honestly cause this place deserves it